Welcome back Patriots. Are we getting a view today of MAGA and Dark MAGA’s prenups? Or is this the wedge issue? Or, more realistically, yeah right Libs, neither!
If you haven’t seen it yourself, the Radical Left Media is out there again trying to sabotage us. This time it is through the soon to be marriage of MAGA and the Tech Bros. Is Silicon Valley and the heart of MAGA world an unlikely union? Sure. We here at The Faux News are the first to admit it. Former Libs coming into the fold is not where I would’ve placed my bet heading into the 2024 election. It worked, though, so no need to dig deeper into this unlikely union. They like money and they’re rich, we have money and we like they’re type, that’s as deep as it goes and why it works. And then, in walks the immigration divide and the Tech Bros’ eyes follow it all the way to its seat. Jerks.
As they typically do, the Libs from the Deep State that run the media have jumped on this to try and split up what is meant to be a beautiful union. To sum it up, Prince (or in this marriage context should it be Queen?) Elon’s Tech Bros think we should allow in these disgusting immigrants if they are smart enough to work in certain high-level fields, the rest of MAGA thinks they’re disgusting immigrants that don’t look like us so they should all get out, smart or not.
Now, the Libs are out there making this issue look as divisive as possible; but really, it will all work out guys! Let’s take a step back and just chill! The Libs are saying that these fractures show the future of the Trump dictatorship, no way! Look at the last time he was president, did we all get along? No. Did we call eachother names and say regrettable things about one another? Yes, except for the regrettable part, we MAGAts don’t regret anything ever no matter what.
What we have here is a slight disagreement. One side believes that immigrants are to blame for all of their problems because they are incapable of seeing their own faults. The other side is rich, likes rich people, likes politicians who make rules that make them more rich, and are (in some cases) recent immigrants themselves. So, is this a problem that can’t be solved? No. We all just need to focus on the underlying current we all agree on: money for the rich is good and it doesn’t matter how we get it. C’mon MAGA, if we can all focus on that, then we don’t have to argue at all! True MAGAts look at the Tech Bros’ point, they want cheap labor to increase their wealth. Bringing in smart immigrants allows them to develop new technologies while not paying out their well deserved profits to workers. The workers don’t deserve the money anyway! We all know that, it’s on the backs of these billionaires that we all stay rich and keep making eachother rich. Can’t we put our white supremacism aside for the sake of money for five minutes?