Good morning Patriots! It’s a beautiful day whether you’re in the snowy south or the sunny north, beautiful day. Is it supposed to be the opposite? Who cares, thanks climate change, that isn’t real! The excitement of the Inauguration is in the rearview, but the whole glory of the presidency and the MAGA dynasty thereafter lie ahead! Beautiful day!
On this day in history, President Trump has begun to bring the country together. Much like the white people of the nineties and early 2000’s who didn’t understand how minorities felt about their role in society, our president wants to make the country colorblind. What is race? President Trump wants us to forget the answer to that question so that we can move forward in a society that doesn’t have to worry about ensuring that people who are different from white males have the same rights as them. In a colorblind society, equal rights would be impossible to ensure because we wouldn’t know who is who! We need to take out all of those DEI hires then just hire a bunch of white males, because that’s what everyone looks like, right? Merit based.
The Great Orange One will also be bringing all of America together through recognizing only two genders. Male and female, as God wanted it! God gave President Trump a divine mission to be president again and irritate as many Libs as possible, right? This brings everyone together who disagrees with Libs, it’s a win!
While we’re talking about God, what was with that priest way back at inauguration day? Sure Trump forgot to put his hand on the Bible and doesn’t EXACTLY bring people together the way Jesus did, but does that give her the right to tell him what Jesus would do? Okay, she is a leader of the church in a church, but Trump is the leader of God’s land, America! Trump was also given a mission by God; two assassination attempts? Who does that happen to? He survived them both, so obviously the mission from God was not to change what he’s doing, it was to keep fighting and excluding! That will bring us all together, in the end.
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