Sleepy Joe has once again emerged from the basement! This time he emerged to pardon his son Hunter from his many justified crimes and his obviously fair prison sentence. The nerve of this man to outwardly abuse the presidential pardon power to pardon someone’s crimes who is simply close to him! Publicly, Sleepy Joe claims that he is worried about the one true Trump using his power as president to further persecute his son to score political points. Where he gets the notion that the always honest President Trump would abuse the power of his office to prosecute political opponents who did nothing legally wrong, I have no idea. But it isn’t as though Trump and other presidents have granted pardons on their way out of office!
Now that Sleepy Joe surfaced long enough to get his son out of trouble (what’s on that laptop? Where is it? Probably tucked away with Hillary’s emails somewhere), now he’s considering pardoning people who our dear future President “may” prosecute for their yet to be committed crimes? I’m sure that when Kash Patel, great pick for FBI Director, is in office, he will be more than fair. When he finds the liberals’ many crimes (jaywalking could be a crime in the right circumstance!) he will handle their prosecutions at Guantanamo Bay fairly.
Now the conversation is coming up about whether presidents should even have the power to pardon whomever they so choose. This power was put in the constitution by the founding fathers, of course this is a power presidents should have! The founding fathers were infallible! They never made mistakes.
So, as the prophet of Faux News, I’m just going to say what we are all thinking, Patriots. The presidential pardon power is great and absolutely necessary, when we are in power. President #45 delivered some of the greatest, most gorgeous and perfect pardons in history. He pardoned his chief of staff Steve Bannon, great guy. All Bannon did was defraud Trump’s own base; now patriots I know that describes most of you, but if the guy did it, there must’ve been a good reason! He pardoned Jarod Kushner’s dad, whom he also gave a diplomatic position to for presidential term no. 47, again, great guy. Good old Charlie Kushner also only committed fraud and a couple of other crimes. I mean, how many of us wouldn’t pardon our son’s father-in-law who is deep in crime and then appoint him to a prestigious diplomatic post? I would do it! It’s just the kind of thing that only a real American understands.
Patriots, though Sleepy Joe’s pardons shouldn’t be granted because he is a snowflake liberal, the pardon power is not going anywhere and I’m sure Trump will have some great ones at the end of term two, going into term three. Who knows, maybe after impeachments three, four, and five he really will pardon himself before he starts his third term! Only time will tell!
This is where I sign of for today MAGAmiracles, have a great post-Christmas season and as the all mighty tells us, Fight! Fight! Fight!